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When your blog readers read your blog post, you can ask them to like it on FB or +1 in google or stumble upon or pinterest. But how would do you know that how much your reader like your post comparing to your other posts.
How your effective is your Blog post? Does your blog post satisfy the reader and to what degree, so you will learn to improve. If you want to be a Pro-blogger these little things matter in your blogging carer.
Not every visitor would comment on your blog. Specially when they have a technical problem with local language input methods. Star Rating using 5 stars, is the most simplest and easiest way to get feedback from every reader.
Google has given you more control of widgets configuration in blogger than old blogger.
Once your login to draft.blogger.com, select your blog to add start rating.
Goto layout > click edit
scroll down and tick Show Star Rating.
Then add following code at any place where you need Star rating in your template
Click on Save. The Star Rating will appear in your blog.
To add the Star Rating just below Title
Add following code just below
Enjoy HTML5 Blogging!
Niranjan Meegammana
Shilpa Sayura Foundation
31 May 2013
Why Google +1 Vote is the best ranking factor? The Top 10 Reasons.
Since the evolution of the web, link building is still the most valuable mean to get your web higher ranked on Google. However Google +1 is not like other link building programs. It is everything to do with social media than search. When you get +1 votes you are accessing networks of other people. Imagine if Capt. Jack Sparrow or President Barak Obama giving you a +1. Google +1 has the real potential to be the most significant ranking signal on web. For Google+ and +1 someone has to use their real name and require you to log in to Google to vote +1. Sometimes fake profiles can give you more likes on Facebook, but they don't last. You can also pay fake or legit users to click +1 votes.
To get a real +1s, someone needs an outstanding content to get to the top of ranking. Not all of the blog authors are celebrities. But they are very influential in the SEO industry, some bloggers are anonymous and do not like fame they deserve. Reading and responding to comments is the most rewarding aspects of blogging. Comments help you connect with your readers and inspire you to write more.
Following blog comments is not easy for bloggers, but Google+, is making things a lot simpler. You can bring Google+ Comments to your Blogger blog. You can view all your comments in blogger dashboard. You can see activity from direct visitors, and from people talking about your content on Google+. if there's a public Google+ discussion about your blog post, they will appear on your Blogger blog, so you can engage better and more of your readers. Yes it happens all in one place. You can take part in conversation and connect with their circles. Your blog readers now have the option to comment in public or share it with their circles. You will know it all.
The top most reasons why +1 is better is
1. One has to be a real person with a real name to give you +1.2. Your friends, family and staff in Google+ circles. 3. Google knows who you are, your relationships to other members and the topics you are an expert on.4. Google+ /+1 does not allow automated voting.5. Google +1 does not allow cross posting from other sites.6. Google Profiles get connected to multiple other social media. profiles and sites to verify your identity.7. Google is smarter than StumbleUpon.8. Google counts +1 votes more than others in ranking. 9. The more “real” +1 more authority you have. 10. +1 vote is a trust based system. Google Profiles can be verified.
Hence +1 votes are the most accurate ranking signal
Google can get.
That's why I like to request you to give a +1 to http://childsoldierfilm.blogspot.com
Now the social marketing becoming my favourite area, I shall write you more on my blog to make you more educated on social marketing for success!
Niranjan Meegammana
Shilpa Sayura Foundation
30 May 2013
One Week to Go. Can Sri Lanka Win ?
With one week to go on the online voting season of Adobe Aspire UNCEF Challange, Sri Lanka Youth have come up as favorite to win the Global Award, which will give them over 20000 USD. The Project team leader Poornima still want more votes saying "Competitor in in USA, Canada & Europe are well connected on Facebook and they use twitter for their advantage. Currently we are leading the votes, yet they can bounce back any time". A one mention in a pro blogger can make all the difference. We need to increase the gap for a definite win for Sri Lanka. The youth team recently won Microsoft Worldbank Youth Solutions Award to train 100 youth create 10 short films on social issues in Sri Lanka.YES film crew formed by Shilpasayura Foundation is an emerging digital film production team promising new ideas in to Short Film and Social Media Industry in Sri Lanka.
One week to go! Can Sri Lanka Win?
One week to go! Can Sri Lanka Win?
One week to go! Can Sri Lanka Win?

One week to go! Can Sri Lanka Win?
Sri Lankan Non Profit among winners in South Asian ‘Youth Solutions’ Award
Four innovative Youth Solutions were chosen for grants between US$15,000 and $20,000 to carry out a youth-led project by World Bank, Microsoft Sri Lanka.
‘Youth Solutions! Technology for Skills and Employment’ competition was held at the Cinnamon Grand, Colombo on 21 Tuesday. 8 Youth-led NGOs from Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives and Sri Lanka participated in the competition where each NGO was given 15m to present their solution. Shilpa Sayura Foundation from Sri Lanka, YPSA from Bangladesh, YUWA from Nepal, Live & Learn Environmental Education from the Maldives come out as winners with their creative ideas to use of Information technology develop essinatial skills amongst youth to secure gainful employment.
Members of the Shilpa Sayura Foundation from Sri Lanka–Mithun Kumarasinghe, Poornima Meegammana, Wajira Madhushaka, Niranjan Meegammana. The Eight NGOs were short listed from, 80 project proposals recived in peliminary round included two from each country. Each winning project aims to carry out a youth-led project for one year in duration, with the possibility of being scaled up via other public or private sector initiatives. The panel of judges comprised Gabriela Aguilar, Senior Communications Officer for World Bank, South Asia; Sriyan de Silva Wijeyeratne, Country Manager of Microsoft Sri Lanka; Anurag Kak, Managing Director, Lafarge Mahaweli Cement (Pvt) Ltd; Ms Moji Akingbade, General Manager of Avery Dennison Lanka (Pvt) Ltd and Gaurav Mishra, Asia Vice President of Insights, Innovation & Social at MSLGROUP.
The project proposal submitted by Sri Lanka’s Shilpa Sayura Foundation, an organization aimed at empowering youth through ICT skills was to empower youth to produce 10 high impact digital short films on current social issues. The project titled “Digital Rainbow” will train at least 100 youth to become film makers, a still developing industry in the country, which will offer great potential for interested youth. According to the World Bank, South Asia created nearly 800,000 jobs per month between 2000 and 2010. However, despite growth, the region is still home to the largest number of the world’s poor – half a billion people. Since labour is the primary asset of the poor, having more and better jobs is the key employment challenge facing the region.
Janakie Karunarathne, Manager, Community Affairs of Microsoft Sri Lanka, said that Microsoft is proud to have collaborated with the World Bank in this effort to capture the youthful enthusiasm and innovative aspirations of four countries. “The youth NGOs chosen today from each respective country would work towards alleviating the challenges, such as lack of skills and unemployment in their individual countries through the use of Information and Communication Technology,” she added. Poornima meegammana, Youth Team Leader who accepted the award for Shilpa Sayura Foundation said "This grant shall help us train a film crew for creating social media for social change, at the same time developing a good portfolio for employment prospectus". The youth group has been trained in digital media through Adobe Youth Voices program in Sri Lanka implemented by Shilpa Sayura.
References : Sunday Times
29 May 2013
One week to go! Can Sri Lanka Win?
You have the power to make Sri Lanka Win!
Grant 3 clicks and Help them Win!
Click on each Link, Visit Page & Like it
Click on each Link to Like them
Now Collect Your Gift :Download the Child Soldier Short Film Here!
AYV Team Sri Lanka.
30 + sites that will link or syndicate your blogsite
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Blog Title (Short Films for Leaning to Make Films)
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Blog Title (Short Films for Leaning to Make Films)
Blog URL (http://short-film-world.blogspot.com)
Feed URL (short-film-world.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default)
A short description up to 255 characters
6-8 keywords/ phrases “Social Media, marketing blog, search engine marketing, SEO”
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A user name, password and email address for the submissions. For security don't use same password
Several of these sites require registration and reciprocal links
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28 May 2013
Spark2013 - 4thTelecentre Global Forum Live Stream
The Spark13 conference, also known as the 4th Global Forum on Telecentres, is set to take center stage in Granada, Spain this coming May 28-29 at the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos.Organized by Telecentre.org Foundation (TCF), Telecentre-Europe (TE), Comunidad de Redes de Telecentros, Red Guadalinfo and the National Information Society Agency of Korea (NIA), the conference is expected to bring together over 1.300 participants from the information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) sector as well as private and public agencies from around the globe.

Nenasala (telecentre) Manager from Sri Lanka Ms. Deepika Priyadarshani will present her telecentre success story at Spark 2013 today at 1.30 pm GMT.
(6.30 pm sri lanka time).
Nenasala (telecentre) Manager from Sri Lanka Ms. Deepika Priyadarshani will present her telecentre success story at Spark 2013 today at 1.30 pm GMT.
(6.30 pm sri lanka time).
16 May 2013
Can a Telecentre Win an Oscar? Child Soldier Short Film says it can.
I think it can. When we started Adobe Youth Voices Program in Sri Lanka we did not know the power for youth media for social change. We implemented AYV program in Kandy and Lahugala. Kandy was a mobile Telecentre. Lahugala was a Nenasala Telecentre. Kandy youth and Lahugala youth had different issues and talents.

They shared shilpasayura lahugala accessing local hosted version and Kandy youth used it online. We trained Kandy youth in digital media creation using a portable 5 netbook network through weekly sessions at public spaces anywhere. We conducted mobile workshops in Kandy. The mobile trainers and learning system reached small youth groups 10-25 where ever they are.
Lahugala youth living 250km away were trained using 2 x 3 day workshops using Telecentre, Local school and mobile digital media network.
Lahugala youth living 250km away were trained using 2 x 3 day workshops using Telecentre, Local school and mobile digital media network.
In 2012 we submitted 13 creatives by Telecentre Youth. There were digital photos, posters and videos. None made to the finals. But youth kept learning with Shilpa Sayura AYV program. We approached 2012 AYV season with a highly focused approach.
We got youth to form a digital film crew. Learn online and peer to peer taking part in digital media creation activities on social events. We combined the learning to carriculum making Youth create digital local content for school competitions and events. As a result youth trained by Shilpa Sayura won Microsoft Software competion, Nano Technology Video and Digital Poster competition.
We trained youth in digital photography, video and editing and inspired them to create a digital film product for the world from local experience. They came out with many stories, but none touched our hearts like Child Soldier story, a fiction, but seems true.
The story is about a little boy who turned to a child soldier and his struggle for freedom from clutches of terror. It is a desktop cinematic experience created by over 100 youth from Kandy City and Lahugala Village in Sri Lanka. They collaborated in every role in feature film making to shoot Child Solder short film for 20 days during rainy school holidays. They made own rigs and used DSLR cameras to explore cinema techniques to learn to use action, thriller and drama to tell a story for social change using Digital Media.
All the youth taking part in this collaborate short film were 12-19 years old. Telecentres brought them together. The youth group got support from Adobe, UNHABITAT and Shilpa Sayura. They shall receive more support from World bank and Microsoft Youth Skill Development Grants. We think this is a new dimension to telecentres to create social films addressing local issues in a cinematic approach. Then one day a Telecentre shall win an Oscar.
If you don't agree with me watch the film and comment.
We got youth to form a digital film crew. Learn online and peer to peer taking part in digital media creation activities on social events. We combined the learning to carriculum making Youth create digital local content for school competitions and events. As a result youth trained by Shilpa Sayura won Microsoft Software competion, Nano Technology Video and Digital Poster competition.
We trained youth in digital photography, video and editing and inspired them to create a digital film product for the world from local experience. They came out with many stories, but none touched our hearts like Child Soldier story, a fiction, but seems true.
The story is about a little boy who turned to a child soldier and his struggle for freedom from clutches of terror. It is a desktop cinematic experience created by over 100 youth from Kandy City and Lahugala Village in Sri Lanka. They collaborated in every role in feature film making to shoot Child Solder short film for 20 days during rainy school holidays. They made own rigs and used DSLR cameras to explore cinema techniques to learn to use action, thriller and drama to tell a story for social change using Digital Media.
All the youth taking part in this collaborate short film were 12-19 years old. Telecentres brought them together. The youth group got support from Adobe, UNHABITAT and Shilpa Sayura. They shall receive more support from World bank and Microsoft Youth Skill Development Grants. We think this is a new dimension to telecentres to create social films addressing local issues in a cinematic approach. Then one day a Telecentre shall win an Oscar.
If you don't agree with me watch the film and comment.
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