31 May 2013

Why Google +1 Vote is the best ranking factor? The Top 10 Reasons.

Since the evolution of the web, link building is still the most valuable mean to get your web higher ranked on Google. However  Google +1 is not like other link building programs. It is everything to do with social media than search.  When you get +1 votes you are accessing networks of other people. Imagine if Capt. Jack Sparrow or President Barak Obama giving you a +1. Google +1 has the real potential to be the most significant ranking signal on web. For Google+ and +1 someone has to use their real name and require you to log in to Google to vote +1. Sometimes fake profiles can give you more likes on Facebook, but they don't last. You can also pay fake or legit users to click +1 votes. 

To get a real +1s, someone needs an outstanding content to get to the top of ranking. Not all of the blog authors are celebrities. But they are very influential in the SEO industry, some bloggers are anonymous and do not like fame they deserve. Reading and responding to comments is the most rewarding aspects of blogging. Comments help you connect with your readers and inspire you to write more.

Following blog comments is not easy for bloggers, but Google+, is making things a lot simpler. You can bring Google+ Comments to your Blogger blog. You can view all your comments in blogger dashboard.  You can see  activity from direct visitors, and from people talking about your content on Google+.  if there's a public Google+ discussion about your blog post, they will appear on your Blogger blog, so you can engage better and more of your readers. Yes it happens all in one place. You can take part in conversation and connect with their circles. Your blog readers now have the option to comment in public or share it with their circles. You will know it all. 

The top most reasons why +1 is better is 

1. One has to be a real person with a real name to give you +1.2. Your friends, family and staff in Google+ circles. 3. Google knows who you are, your relationships to other members and the topics you are an expert on.4. Google+ /+1 does not allow automated voting.5. Google +1 does not allow cross posting from other sites.6. Google Profiles get connected to multiple other social media. profiles and sites to verify your identity.7. Google is smarter than StumbleUpon.8. Google counts +1 votes more than others in ranking. 9. The more “real” +1 more authority you have. 10. +1 vote is a trust based system. Google Profiles can be verified.

Hence  +1 votes are the most accurate ranking signal
Google can get.

That's why I like to request you to give a +1 to 

Now the social marketing becoming my favourite area, I shall write you more on my blog to make you more educated on social marketing for success!

Niranjan Meegammana
Shilpa Sayura Foundation

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