3 Oct 2007

Open Source Blogging and CMS comparison PHP

Drupal - http://drupal.org/

Full-featured content management/discussion engine suitable
to setup a news-driven community or portal site.
 - http://radio.userland.com/

Weblog software for individuals, educational institutions,
and corporations.

 - http://b2evolution.net/

Full featured PHP/ mySQL blog tool. Supports multiple
categories, sub-catgeories, multiple blogs, skins, stats, comments, anti-spam
b2 - http://cafelog.com

A news/ weblog tool (aka logware). Requires a server that can
run PHP4, and a MySQL database. Freeware.
pMachine - http://www.pmachine.com/

Blogging and news software with extra features, like member
registration, mailing list manager, random content displayer, public weblogs,
search engine, birthday calendar and hit counter.

Scoop - http://scoop.kuro5hin.org/

Free collaborative media software for running community web
logs . Requires Perl, mod_perl, and MySQL.
Geeklog - http://www.geeklog.net/

Free open-source blog tool. Runs on many different operating
systems and uses PHP4 and MySQL.
Slashcode - http://slashcode.com/

Open Source software for creating Slashdot-style discussion
weblogs. Provides links to the software, and help for setting up and running the
ModBlog - http://www.modblog.com

Provides free customizable blogs.
Serendipity - http://www.s9y.org

An open-source project for creating a simple CMS for blog

 - http://www.nucleuscms.org/

A PHP/SQL blogging tool which resides on your webserver.
Includes multiple blog capabilities, and RSS syndication.
MKDoc - http://mkdoc.com/

Web site building, serving and content management tool that
has been designed to encourage the use of good information architecture and the
production of accessible web sites.

Roller Weblogger
 - http://www.rollerweblogger.org/

Open source weblogger written in Java and based on Struts,
Velocity and Castor. Not recommended for beginners.
by textamerica
 - http://www.textamerica.com/

Post from any country and any mobile provider. Customize the
look of your pages. No HTML knowledge needed. Free service.
Antville - http://www.antville.org

Based on an open source project aimed to the development of
an "easy to maintain and use" weblog-hosting system. It can host unlimited blogs.

BlogCFC - http://blogcfc.riaforge.org/

Open source (Apache License v.2) blog software written in
ColdFusion MX.
Big Blog
 - http://www.bigblogtool.com/

Making a blog or personal website easier to create and

 - http://pebble.sourceforge.net/

A light weight, open source, blogger that is written as a web
application to run inside J2EE web containers.
Desktop Server
 - http://pyds.muensterland.org/

An open source weblog, news aggregator and light weight
desktop CMS system.

 - http://newsbruiser.tigris.org/

Free, open source weblog program that focuses on ease of use.

BlogCFM - http://www.blogcfm.org

An open-source blog application written in CFML, supporting
both Coldfusion MX 6.1+ and Bluedragon Server 6.1+.
BLOG:CMS - http://www.blogcms.com

Blogware requires PHP and MySQL. Features include weblog,
forum, wiki, news aggregator, and photo gallery.

 - http://blojsom.sourceforge.net

A lightweight blog package written in Java that is inspired
by blosxom. Includes highly configurable flavors, templating, plugins, and the
ability to run a multi-user blog.
boastMachine - http://boastology.com

PHP/MySQL powered blogging platform.

Blog.Mac by Largemouth Software
 - http://www.largemouthsoftware.com/blogmac.html

Create, manage, and publish a blog on Mac OS X using the .Mac

JournURL - http://www.journurl.com/

Integrates blogging and forum features to create a communal
content management system.
LittleHJ - http://www.littlehj.com/

Maker of Blogwave Studio, a blogging client specifically for
.Mac users.

Ranchero Software - MarsEdit
 - http://www.ranchero.com/marsedit/

A multifeatured weblog editor for Mac OS X (10.3 or higher).
SnipSnap.org - http://www.snipsnap.org

Weblog and wiki system written in Java.
Presstopia - http://presstopia.com

Open source ASP.NET weblog application. Supports MySQL, MS
Access, MS SQL Serve, Atom 0.3, RSS 2.0 feeds, multiple authors, comment,
trackbacks, update pings.

 - http://thingamablog.sourceforge.net/

A cross-platform, standalone application for authoring and
publishing weblogs. It will work on any platform on which Java can run.
Thingamablog does not require a third-party blogging host, a CGI/PHP enabled web
server, or a MySQL database. The only requirement to setup and manage a blog is
FTP access to a web server.

 - http://cocoblog.sourceforge.net/

Open source blogging package based on Apache's Cocoon and
Xindice products.
Coranto - http://www.coranto.org/

Content management script supports static /dynamic content
generation, unlimited users, categorized content, multiple page generation,
customizable news style, auto-archiving, web-based setup and configuration and
addon modules.
Zomplog - http://www.zomp.nl/zomplog/

An easy to use weblog application which uses php and MySQL.
tBLOG - http://www.tblog.com/

Integrate fully customizable blog templates, with any
website. Add calendar, search, link management, voting, and comment modules.

Traction Software
 - http://www.tractionsoftware.com

Enterprise weblog software. System for capturing and managing
knowledge in the course of a communication or business process.
 - http://www.pocketblog.com/

Pocket PC application for managing weblogs that support the
Blogger API. Works offline, posting entries when internet connectivity is
Logahead - http://www.logahead.com

A free and simple blogging engine, making use of the latest
technologies such as AJAX and RSS.

 - http://www.mytripjournal.com/

Easy-to-use blogging tool with mapping system designed
specifically for travelers. Post text and photos. Includes a notification system
to let your friends know when an update is posted.

 - http://sourceforge.net/projects/nanoblogger/

Small weblog engine written in Bash.

 - http://wheatblog.sourceforge.net

A lightweight, open source, customizable blogging and content
management solution powered by PHP and MySQL or SQLite.

Personal Weblog
 - http://www.kyne.com.au/~mark/software/weblog.php

A PHP/MySQL include file for adding a weblog to a home page.

 - http://code.gushue.net/bspost/

A minimal news/ weblog system using PHP4 and SQL.

 - http://sourceforge.net/projects/phposxom/

PHP rewrite of Rael Dornfest's Blosxom.
SnapLog Photo
 - http://snaplog.com/

A one click photo blog publishing application that sends
updates to a site via FTP.

 - http://www.blogbinders.com/

Create a bound book out of your live journal, blog or weblog.

 - http://www.phpblogger.com

Open source script for publishing simple entries that may
include pictures uploaded through the administrative interface.

 - http://www.zope.org/Members/karl/BlogFace/BlogFace

A weblog product for the Zope application server.
 - http://monauraljerk.org

Free, open-source PHP/MySQL weblog system. Includes calendar
navigation, "edit this page", searching, channels, RSS, XML, tell-a-friend, and
spider-friendly URLs.

 - http://www.lionhardt.ca/bw/

Allows you to create, edit, and publish your blog entries to
your server. Works with all major weblog services that support the Blogger xml-rpc

 - http://markpasc.org/code/radio/kit/

Software package for use with Radio Userland, including
search, news aggregation, file uploader, and other tools.

CF Blogger
 - http://www.daydreaminc.com/personal_blog.cfm

A blog application built with ColdFusion. This is an open
source project. Submissions for templates or ideas are welcome.

SimplyBlog Software
 - http://www.kamat.com/community/software

Tool designed to create weblogs on corporate Windows based

Broadcast Builder
 - http://www.lionhardt.ca/bb/

Create RSS channels and weblogs. Windows.
Easy Blogs - http://www.easyblogs.com/

Desktop-based journal publisher stores all information on the
local computer and uploads content via FTP. Multiple templates and RSS feed

GoBlogGo - http://www.gobloggo.com

Post pictures from a camera phone. Moblogging photoblog home.

 - http://devtwo.com/projects/phpWebLog/

News and content management system.
Write2Left - http://www.write2left.com

PHP/MySQL-based personal publishing system.

 - http://sourceforge.net/projects/personalblog

Light-weight personal blogging application that is suitable
for installing on a host provider. It's written in JAVA and uses a variety of
J2EE technologies.
 - http://t7_bloggy.tripod.com

For websites that use free webhosting services.

GBlog - http://www.gblog.com/

Fully PHP-based software requires no databases. Free for
non-commercial use; number of authors unlimited.
Somery - http://somery.danwa.net/

PHP-based 'blog software.

Particle Blogger
 - http://www.particlesoft.net/particleblogger/

Server-side blogging tool written in PHP with intergrated RSS
feed and static URLs option.

Blog Script
 - http://metastatic.org/source/blog/

A simple, command-line based utility for maintaining personal
weblogs. It runs easiest on Unix-like platforms, such as Linux.
MeYou - http://www.meyou.com

Publish your own blogs with your PC or your mobile Java
phone. Community directory available.

ApeJet Blog
 - http://www.apejet.org/sites/apejetblog/

Simple open source tool for servers running PHP. No database
needed. Produces RSS, archives, and categories.

People's Online Publishing
 - http://www.myonlinepublication.com

A community-oriented web-based tool to create online
publications. Targeted at commercial and business clients.

 - http://www.innerpeacesecurity.com/indiepost

Free server-side PHP/MySQL-based service posts updates via

 - http://phplabs.com/scripts.php?script=BlogLite

A basic, easy to use weblogging suite built with PHP and
MySQL. 2 scripts, 2 HTML templates. Web journaling script.

 - http://sourceforge.net/projects/easymoblog/

An open-source platform for personal weblogs and moblogs. It
allows the creation of customizable and easy-to-use weblogs. Update just by
sending e-mail messages.

RealBlog - http://www.realblog.com

A WYSIWYG weblog publishing system for PHP4 and MySQL with
advanced image functions.

 - http://erasable-ink.tripod.com/journalscript/index.html

CGI/Perl-based script for publishing a journal through text
files rather than a browser interface.

Farook.org: Blog
 - http://www.farook.org/bytes.htm

Maintain a blog on any site which supports FTP while keeping
all your entries on your own hard disk for safety. WYSIWYG HTML editor.

 - http://blogoommer.sourceforge.net/

A standalone java application for editing, organizing and
publishing weblogs by FTP. Generate a weblog site with calendar-based
navigation, links, and RSS 1.0 and 2.0 news feeds.

 - http://gecko.f2o.org/mirror/flatblog/

Flat text file-based blogging engine in PHP. Databases not

Blosxom - http://www.blosxom.com/

Lightweight blogging application written in Perl.
Pivot-log - http://www.pivotlog.net/

A customizable web log tool written in PHP and using XML as
the data store.
Vine Type - http://vinetype.com

A website management system that requires no database nor
scripting lanaguage installation. Free for non-commercial use.

 - http://danbricklin.com/log/byol.htm

Client-side windows based blogging software. No HTML
experience required.

 - https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=72934&package_id=122641

Open source blog system for people who have acces to a
provider with php and mySQL capabilities.

Open Journal Project
 - http://www.grohol.com/downloads/oj/

Free, perl-based open source journal script.

 - http://www.noahgrey.com/greysoft/

Weblogging software requires Perl 5 and knowledge of HTML.

 - http://www.billstclair.com/blogmax/

Emacs elisp package for maintaining a web log.
The b2
Dev Suite
 - http://adamwalker.34sp.com

Fully customizable PHP blogging tool.

 - http://deekoo.net/technocracy/addendat/

Blogging tool for those who don't like Javascript or whose
servers are running SCP, which makes using other blogging tools difficult or

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