25 Oct 2017

Step into Robotics : Learn BBC Micro:bit Lesson #1

Let Us Learn Robotics: Microbit සූවිශේෂත්වය

Microbit සූවිශේෂත්වයක් වන්නේ එහි ත්වරණමානයයි. මයික්‍රෝබිට් x,y,z දිසාවන්ගේ ප්‍රවේගයේ වේගය වෙනස්වීම තත්පර වර්ගයට මීටර් ගුරුත්වය ලෙස ලබාදේ. පෘතුවියේ ගුරුත්වය 9.8 බව ඔබ දනී. Microbit ත්වරණමානය IoT සෙලවීම්, පෙරලීම්, දිශානත කිරීම් සංවේදනයට හා රොබෝ හා ඩ්‍රෝන යාත්‍රා පාලනයට පහසුවෙන් යොදාගත හැකිය.

 සරළ උදාහරණය : Quick Example

Microbit comes with built in accelerator. You can measure x,y,z rate of change of the velocity of an object in meters per second squared (m/s2) or in G-forces (g). A single G-force for us here on planet Earth is equivalent to 9.8 m/s2. Accelerometers are useful for sensing vibrations in systems, orientation and flying drones.

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Understanding accelerometer data

Accelermeters measure *acceleration* and express this as three values which we refer to as X, Y and Z. These values are "vectors" meaning they express both a magnitude (amount) and direction.

In the case of the BBC micro:bit, with the micro:bit held flat with its LED display facing upwards and the edge connector facing toward you, the X value measures the amount of acceleration to the left and right of you.

Y measures the acceleration in the direction away from you or back towards you whilst Z measures acceleration up or down. So X and Y describe acceleration in the two horizontal planes whereas Z measures acceleration in the vertical plane.

The micro:bit uses values which are in multiples of one "milli-g" i.e. one thousandth of the acceleration due to gravity. Bitty Data Logger scales the values up to be relative to g itself.

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