Impact Monitoring & Evaluation for Developing of Sustainable Tele Center Networks
නැණසළ ක්ෂේත්රය දියුණූ වීමට විද්වතුන් එහි සහභාගීවීම සහ පර්යේෂණාත්මක කටයුතුවල නියැලීමත් එමගින් සොයාගන්නා සහ උගන්නා දේ අන් අය සමග හුවමාරු කරගැනීමත් අවශ්යයි. එය විද්යානූකූල ලෙස කිරීමට පර්යේෂණ පත්ර පළකිරීම ක්රමවේදයයි. ලෝකයේ දියුණුවන සෑම ක්ෂේත්රයකම මෙය සිදුවෙනවා.
එමනිසා අප එදිනෙදා කරන RIT සේවාවේ කටයුතු විද්යාත්මක මුහුණුවරකින් බලා M & E (නියාමනය හා ඇගයීම) මගින් තිරසාර නැණසළ ජාල සංවර්ධනය කිරීම ගැන සංවර්ධන ප්රතිඵල සඳහා ඇගයීම් ජාත්යන්තර සම්මන්ත්රණයට මා ඉදිරිපත් කල මේ දැක්ම ඔබ සමග බෙදාහදා ගන්නේ දැනුම හුවමාරුවටයි.
Impact Monitoring & Evaluation for Developing of Sustainable Tele Center Networks
A paper presented at the "Evaluation for Development Results" International conference (Trans Asia, April 22-23 by Niranjan Meegammana and Rasika Sampath, Sri Lanka Telecenter Community
මේ එම පර්යේෂණ පත්රිකාවේ සාරාංශයයි.
Impact Monitoring & Evaluation for
Developing of Sustainable Tele Center Networks
Niranjan Meegammana and Rasika Sampath
Sri Lanka Telecenter Community
ABSTRACTE3 Telecenter Network M & E process assisted improving sustainability of Nenasala Telecenter Network in Uva province, Sri Lanka. E3 Telecenter Sustainability Network (TSN) model finds issues that risk sustainability, and assess improvements resulted from capacity building. E3 findings initiated communications for Network Actions for Telecenters, zonal, district and provincial Networks for Regional Impact Team (RIT), ICTA and service providers to address Telecenter issues needing technical support, deployment of content & services, capacity building, training and advocacy. E3 model provided indicators on Telecenter sustainability, effectiveness of strategies and recommendations for program and policy changes that improved sustainability of the Uva Nenasala Network.
The 9 month M & E periodically assessed Telecenters on Network participation, availability of services, service quality and served quantity for evaluation of changes in performance to determine the direction of Telecenters towards the goal of sustainability.
The indicators for the monitoring derived using the same Network as a learning model to develop E 3 Telecenter ranking system defined as Sustainability Index (SI), to evaluate each Telecenter, zone, distinct, province and cluster Network.
M & E findings led RIT actions to improve Telecenter capacity with knowledge, content, leadership skills, community involvement, networking, promotion, advocacy and technical support to improve their performance towards sustainability.
M & E process resulted improvement of Uva Nenasala Network sustainability from 28% in June 2008 to 45% by February 2009 including continuing performance improvements by 80% of the Nenasala. The feedback from community, increased Nenasala and Network activities, improved Nenasala usage and earned revenue, local, regional, national and international advancements made by Nenasala operators are further evidences of the impact of E3 M & E process and also demonstrates the effectiveness of the E3 approach for developing Telecenter Network sustainability.
The conclusions made are that M & E is a key activity in improving sustainability of Telecenter Networks, require integration of needs assessment capacity building, content and support. ICT training, local content & E Learning, internet access, EVS and value added services are key services to sustain Nenasala. Sustaining Telecenters require Network strategies with shared purpose, community involvement and leadership to ensure required knowledge and resources available. Network participation, availability of services, service quality, local content, and quantity of people served impact Telecenter sustainability. E3 M & E model can effectively be used to develop sustainability of Telecenter Networks.
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